
Trove™ Discussions, News and Guides - Fan Site




Doc_L: Bugs after latest patch

3:06 am, October 13, 2016 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Tali, could you provide more details, such as what class you were using at the time, whether this was on a Windows or Mac machine? [..] View

Doc_L: Crashing when mining (Now with subtitles! :D )

3:06 am, September 16, 2016 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi Breagha,We just patched the game this afternoon to fix a crash related to mining. Feel free to log onto the game and see if this fix [..] View

Doc_L: Origin Potion Changed

2:06 am, February 12, 2016 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L This should be fixed in the next patch that goes out. It was an inadvertent side effect of some work we're doing in creating new types [..] View

Doc_L: Porta Potty mount

2:06 am, February 3, 2016 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by Tali Aw so nice to see this hub again, even tho it looks diff and i guess it d [..] View

Doc_L: Using the catalog tool

2:06 am, January 26, 2016 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by TeeKayM Thumbnails? As in, the UI elements we click on when we have to equip s [..] View

Doc_L: Please add this to CTF (and any upcoming PVP modes)

2:06 am, January 16, 2016 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by TechnoViking I like the idea, ofcourse like stated before the announcer doesn' [..] View

Doc_L: Water physics from water blocks and melty ice.

2:06 am, December 17, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by FrostySeraph Wouldn't it be correct to assume that they have malfunctioning ph [..] View

Doc_L: Trove - Crash Power Edition

2:06 am, December 17, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi dusty,Are you using any VFX mods with the game? We're seeing a crash related to the SPH evolver for Popcorn, which isn't used in any [..] View

Doc_L: Questions about the pvp stuff

2:06 am, December 9, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L You leave the portal in that area. If you need quick access to the pvp portal, you'll need to use a normal club portal to warp to the s [..] View

Doc_L: ***** animations broken

2:06 am, October 29, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi guys,This appears to be related to an optimization for game physics which prevented objects from falling through the world in many ca [..] View

Doc_L: I hate mondays

3:06 am, September 29, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L DID SOMEONE SAY MONDAYS? Jump to post... View

Doc_L: (BUG} I come back to trove to this

3:06 am, September 10, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Thanks for reporting the bug! The flipped icons were fixed internally a week ago, and the fix should make its way into a patch soon. [..] View

Doc_L: PVP Questions

3:06 am, September 5, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi Unknown, Our plan is to allow players to author in one world kind of like how the Metaforge works (ie. placing tag blocks for spawn [..] View

Doc_L: We need a bald hairstyle

3:06 am, September 5, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Some recent changes we made to the custom head system for the Lunar Lancer also let us have a bald hairstyle now. It will be in a futur [..] View

Doc_L: Which Biome is Home?

1:06 pm, September 2, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L My favorite is the Music Block biome. It's the best! My least favorite biome is the Music Block biome! It sounds like a flock of dy [..] View

Doc_L: My friend's renderer problem

3:06 am, August 5, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Find your Trove.cfg ( go into %appdata%/Trove, you can do this by opening the start bar and running %appdata% ), and either:A) delete it [..] View

Doc_L: world generation issue

3:06 am, August 5, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by GusMal [..] View

Doc_L: Game blocks for moments when killing boss?

3:06 am, July 24, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L This delay could be from the game loading the VFX for the portals and the chest spawning. We'll take a look at it. Jump to p [..] View

Doc_L: video drivers have stopped but recovered

3:06 am, July 22, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Interesting, do you know what type of portal this tends to occur on? We're seeing an occasional crash related to VFX that may be respon [..] View

Doc_L: Memory Leak

1:06 pm, July 15, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi Zabriel, What are you doing in-game when you notice this memory usage increase? Does it tend to happen in certain types of worlds, [..] View

Doc_L: Screen Resolution

3:06 am, July 14, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Both Live and PTS use the same config (Trove always looks for the config in the same place). What happens when you try to launch? Does [..] View

Doc_L: Help with Fraps !! cant record Trove

3:06 am, July 6, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by XPnow hello,FRAPS + trove = troubles.I recommend you to use OBS to record :)th [..] View

Doc_L: [6/12/15] Friday's Stream - Questions Thread

3:06 am, June 12, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by Koviko Are you aware of the missing chunk bug? We are very aware [..] View

Doc_L: I am always on 5 FPS

3:06 am, June 6, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L FlabbyCat, Your computer is using your Intel HD 4600 GPU instead of the Nvidia GPU. You need to change your Optimus settings to make T [..] View

Doc_L: Explain Your Forum Avatar!

3:06 am, May 31, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Mine's from when I was implementing the outline system in the game. Eventually settled on a combination of Sobel and difference filters [..] View

Doc_L: Fps

3:06 am, May 16, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi Darain,It looks like your FPS dropped from a median of 25-27 FPS to a median of 19-20 on Sunday May 10th. Did you change anything ma [..] View

Doc_L: Dear Avarem: Can/Will decor receive a draw distance similar to blocks?

3:06 am, May 8, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L We did a test with that. Long story short, it causes... problems. As in drawing 50 million vertices per frame problems. (note - you d [..] View

Doc_L: .obj exporter?

3:06 am, May 8, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L devtool.bat copyblueprint name.blueprint name.obj ;) (Note that the internal obj exporter is an experimental feature - there's no guar [..] View

Doc_L: are you testing your dungeons?

3:06 am, May 7, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L If Trove used only a heightmap (ie. did not allow for caves, overhangs), and every dungeon had an explicit *floor* defined by authors (h [..] View

Doc_L: FPS Drops?

3:06 am, April 30, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Are you getting continuous FPS drops, or are you getting frame pauses (screen stops updating for a fraction of a second)? Jum [..] View

Doc_L: Shading errors

3:06 am, April 30, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L How old is your laptop and what type/model of laptop is it? It sounds like it might be well under the minimum specs for the game. [..] View

Doc_L: Frigga's Fjord - Mountains

3:06 am, April 24, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Mountains randomly occur within fjord regions based on a 2D simplex noise function. It's completely independent of zone boundaries; te [..] View

Doc_L: New Bloom/SSAO Graphic options comparison pictures

1:06 pm, April 22, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by Celeress These are also experimental at the moment, and you may notice "s [..] View

Doc_L: New Update....;-;

3:06 am, April 22, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Regarding the low FPS, do you happen to be using the bloom or SSAO effects? They will drop FPS significantly on a low end computer. [..] View

Doc_L: SSAO post-processing shows chunk edges

3:06 am, April 22, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Looks like an older version of the shader may have been in the build (I fixed this issue a few days ago); I'll double check to make sur [..] View

Doc_L: Trove "/retromode"!

3:06 am, April 8, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L I made it lower the actual rendering resolution (and it skips most of the post-processing pipeline) so it should increase fps in most ca [..] View

Doc_L: Gtx 770 and I7 4790K -> Low Fps

3:06 am, April 7, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Here's one thing that will improve your FPS: Try /supersample 1 (values over 1 are a very minor visual improvement, as the game's al [..] View

Doc_L: Blank screen when went into fullscreen mode

3:06 am, April 1, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi demon_thief,Try deleting your Trove.cfg, located in %appdata%/Trove/Trove.cfg. That should reset your settings so you can play the g [..] View

Doc_L: Client crashing

2:06 am, March 20, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Maledictam, Have you tried repairing your installation? It's possible one of the player animations was corrupted when updating your ga [..] View

Doc_L: FPS dropped after today's patch (3/18/2015)

2:06 am, March 19, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by braxton30456 Yea Same here i used to get 120 fps at starting screen now i get [..] View

Doc_L: Huge FPS Drop! Need Help!

2:06 am, March 18, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Your system switched to using your integrated graphics card (an Intel HD 4600) instead of your AMD card. Check your catalyst control ce [..] View

Doc_L: Club Water Physics Are Broken.

12:06 pm, March 11, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L There's currently an issue where if you replace water blocks deep under water, when you take them out they won't convert back to still w [..] View

Doc_L: CRIPPLING GLITCH can corrupt your account

2:06 am, March 6, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L This is fixed in the next patch.In the meantime guys, don't place monorails in flowing water! Let us know if you still can't get into t [..] View

Doc_L: Fps is fine but game feels like in slow motion.

2:06 am, March 5, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by Lucypher the game is also rendering very slowly ... I have a steady 70-80 fps. [..] View

Doc_L: Endless water noise, an annoying and very old bug.

2:06 am, March 3, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by Psychobeans * Fixed audio bug where water block emitter persists. If that mea [..] View

Doc_L: My Radiant Steed is not as advertised!

2:06 am, March 3, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L I'd prefer to color the steed Hyper-Green, but it would make your monitor explode and Avarem said I'm not allowed to do that. [..] View

Doc_L: Someone please help. Screen Resolution.

2:06 am, March 3, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi Drevius,Go into your %appdata% directory (run that from the windows command line, or type it into the folder location in Windows Expl [..] View

Doc_L: Help

2:06 am, March 3, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi DarkPoseidon,If you're seeing this message, it means that your graphics drivers are out of date. You have two options:1) Update grap [..] View

Doc_L: Low FPS, Wasnt the case the day before

2:06 am, February 23, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L DarkDestry, I only see a 10 minute period today in which the FPS did dip to about 11. The rest of the time, I see the FPS fluctuate bet [..] View

Doc_L: Sea level

2:06 am, February 21, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi everyone,In the next patch, the Sea of Regret in adventure worlds will become much much deeper. The Treasure Isles will still be sha [..] View

Doc_L: Catalog tool

2:06 am, February 18, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Could you try switching to OpenGL rendering and then running the generator? There might be an issue with DirectX for the tool. [..] View

Doc_L: FPS lag

2:06 am, February 18, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Firestorm and fico,Unfortunately, it appears that your video cards do not support DirectX 10, and are running in software mode (hence th [..] View

Doc_L: *Hits Play* *Error Report*

2:06 am, February 14, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Have you sent in the error report? Sending in an error report helps us find out what's crashing in the game. Jump to post... View

Doc_L: Is it a bug or is it stated in the patch notes?

2:06 am, February 13, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L This was an unintended result of changing dungeon spikes to become indestructible. I put in a fix, and the spikes will be laserable aga [..] View

Doc_L: There's definitely a rendering distance issue and it's making gliding very unp

2:06 am, February 12, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L This will be improved in the next patch. We'll be loading terrain based on cylindrical distance instead of spherical distance. [..] View

Doc_L: Fps decreases over time

2:06 am, February 12, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi Vesp,It's possible your GPU may be overheating. Could you try using a GPU monitoring program like GPU-Z and see if your GPU temperat [..] View

Doc_L: FPS Drop

2:06 am, February 11, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L The default values for supersampling and shadercomplexity are 1. Right now, the way to reset everything to defaults is to delete Trove. [..] View

Doc_L: New Resource block visuals.

2:06 am, February 11, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L The resource block change was an engineering change so that we can put more blocks deep underground. Using models creates quite a bit m [..] View

Doc_L: My Fps Is 15 - 20

2:06 am, February 10, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Jaba, What are you doing when seeing the low FPS? I'm seeing a large numbers of instanced draws during your lower FPS, which could ind [..] View

Doc_L: Suggestion about new render system.

2:06 am, February 8, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Do you mean your chunks are taking longer than 0.5 seconds to fade in? Chunks begin appearing the instant they're loaded - nothing abou [..] View

Doc_L: TRove error handler after clicking play

2:06 am, February 7, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Tribalflame, could you try running the game again and sending the crash report in? I'm not seeing yours show up in the crash logs. [..] View

Doc_L: Fraps won't work?

2:06 am, February 6, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by Sethorven Scratch that, it does recognize it but only in windowed mode. Which [..] View

Doc_L: Am I WiFlagged?

2:06 am, February 5, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L I used to play AC on Leafcull, and no, you're not Wi Flagged (the thing that made Wi get smashed by tuskers doesn't exist in Trove).We'l [..] View

Doc_L: Lowest FPS I've ever seen...

2:06 am, February 3, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi EriAvery,Your GPU is somewhat close to our minimum specification (the AMD HD benchmarks slightly above our minspec GPU, the Intel HD [..] View

Doc_L: Randomly Teleporting and Crashing

2:06 am, January 31, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Nibble,I can't seem to find a crash report from your computer. Are you sending in a crash report when the game does this? If not, plea [..] View

Doc_L: FPS down

12:06 pm, January 30, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi Samy,I'll take a look at the logs to see if something happened to your settings. We didn't do any major graphics changes in the last [..] View

Doc_L: FPS increasing

2:06 am, January 26, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Try /shadercomplexity 0Also lowering your draw distance will improve performance- the fewer chunks of terrain being drawn on the screen, [..] View

Doc_L: Accidentally set Resolution too high

2:06 am, January 26, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Are you sure you deleted the correct Trove.cfg? It should be the one in %appdata%/Trove/ , there should also be a shadercache director [..] View

Doc_L: Cannot launch the game!

2:06 am, January 23, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi guys, Can you look in your Trove install directory, under the textures/ subdirectory, and see if the file "" ex [..] View

Doc_L: [GameCrash] Trove still crashe's on start up

12:06 pm, January 22, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi LordAries,Unfortunately, your computer appears to be well below our min spec for the game.Our minimum spec GPU for the game is the In [..] View

Doc_L: Questions about the new patch

2:06 am, January 21, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Yes, the slower speed is intended, but may possibly change as we work on underwater biomes. The same goes for buoyancy. Jump [..] View

Doc_L: Sudden Overheat Issue Since Recent Patches

2:06 am, January 21, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi TheZoobler, Does your system have a temperature monitor for your CPU and/or GPU? Overheating is usually a sign that a heatsink may [..] View

Doc_L: Frames per second problem.

2:06 am, January 20, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by Atrish Does it have to do the fact that I have 2 graphic cards being one the g [..] View

Doc_L: Here's a crash, there's a crash...

12:06 pm, January 16, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Kittenface,I'll take a look at your other crash logs and see if I can find out what's happening.edit: It looks like the game is running [..] View

Doc_L: d3d11.dll error

12:06 pm, January 16, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi Troven, You're getting this error because DirectX 11 isn't installed, meaning you're likely running Windows Vista and out of date. [..] View

Doc_L: Can't Play Trove

2:06 am, January 16, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi jedimario,Do you have an Nvidia or ATI card? The game appears to be using an integrated Intel GPU with extremely old drivers.You nee [..] View

Doc_L: New OpenGl problem.

2:06 am, January 15, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by Crochat I was getting the OpenGl error util the last hotfix. Apparently, this [..] View

Doc_L: Water Bug/Glitch

2:06 am, January 15, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Have you tried restarting the game? Does the sound still happen? Quote: My thoughts on why this happened is because [..] View

Doc_L: so much errors i have somethings wrong -.- i got so much tablets with errors..

2:06 am, January 14, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L This is a known error which will be fixed in a hotpatch: Jump to post.. [..] View

Doc_L: Open GL Error

2:06 am, January 14, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L This is a known error which will be fixed in a hotpatch: Jump to post.. [..] View

Doc_L: Same error i cant play anymore..

2:06 am, January 14, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L This is a known error which will be fixed in a hotpatch: Jump to post.. [..] View

Doc_L: Extended Downtime

2:06 am, January 14, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L There is a known crash related to the liquid shader. It has been fixed internally, and will be pushed out in a hotfix. Jump [..] View

Doc_L: Improved performance of liquid vertex shader. this makes so much errors.

2:06 am, January 14, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L This is a known error which will be fixed in a hotpatch: Jump to post.. [..] View

Doc_L: crash+every 10 mins

2:06 am, January 14, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L This is a known error which will be fixed in a hotpatch: Jump to post.. [..] View

Doc_L: Attention to everyone experiencing an OpenGL liquid crash

2:06 am, January 14, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi everyone,There was a bug in a recent update to the liquid shader that is crashing the game for some peoples' game in OpenGL mode.The [..] View

Doc_L: Low Framerate and Lag Since Last Update

12:06 pm, January 13, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Pinknekogirl, It looks like your supersampling changed from 1 to 2 at some point during the week, which corresponds with the drop in FP [..] View

Doc_L: Hey, what does this button do?

2:06 am, January 9, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Quote: Originally Posted by Cat of Many Faces What happens if we fall off an island? Sea of regret or some [..] View

Doc_L: Weird visual thing on tall buildings

2:06 am, January 6, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L I'm not sure what I'm looking at here; do you have other screenshots or more description of what's going on? Is that supposed to be a [..] View

Doc_L: Graphics issue after using portal

2:06 am, January 5, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L If you're floating in midair without seeing blocks, it means the chunks around you haven't loaded yet. Wait a little while for the terr [..] View

Doc_L: Weird Floating Lights.

2:06 am, January 5, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Did this only begin happening since the last patch? It looks like a vfx unloading bug, we'll take a look at it tomorrow. Jum [..] View

Doc_L: Intel HD 3000 10Fps lag Is there any Fix?

2:06 am, December 31, 2014 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L The Intel HD 3000 is what we're targeting as the minimum specification GPU. It's going to be pretty slow unless you put the settings on [..] View

Doc_L: Annoying milasecond freezes every 5 seconds...

2:06 am, December 30, 2014 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Does the hitch happen in both opengl and directx modes? Does it happen when standing in the hub for a while? If you stand around in a [..] View

Doc_L: OpenGL error right on startup of Trove.

2:06 am, December 21, 2014 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L If you're getting a large number of OpenGL errors, it means your drivers are several years old and need to be updated. If there is no w [..] View

Doc_L: FPS lag from the new hotfix

2:06 am, December 21, 2014 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Go into your settings menu.Select the DirectX renderer.That should fix your FPS. You're running the minimum supported graphics card for [..] View

Doc_L: New FPS lag

2:06 am, December 20, 2014 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi Ariako,It looks like your settings for draw distance and supersampling are different now, which would explain the FPS difference (hig [..] View

Doc_L: Problems with FPS!

12:06 pm, December 19, 2014 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Aizath, Did you change anything with your computer on December 14th (Sunday) ? The logs are showing that the FPS drop happened around [..] View

Doc_L: Choppy framerate and overall low performance?

2:06 am, December 19, 2014 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hi Omizoc,Could you try disabling (or enabling) vsync to see if that helps? Also, does switching between OpenGL or Directx help? [..] View

Doc_L: Block bug

12:06 pm, December 18, 2014 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L The colors for dark red and dark blue glow blocks were changed to look more like they were glowing. (didn't make it into the patch note [..] View

Doc_L: Game freezes perodically during play

2:06 am, December 17, 2014 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L Hmmm, it's difficult to tell what could be causing the issue. It's possible it could be a graphics issue, but unlikely with a GTX 770.H [..] View

Doc_L: Initialization Error trevor, help!

12:06 pm, December 14, 2014 Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L The intel G45 chipset does not support opengl 3.0, as it's too old. It should r [..] View


Doc_L: Client crashing

Mar 20, 2015, 2:15 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: FPS dropped after today's patch (3/18/2015)

Mar 19, 2015, 2:30 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Huge FPS Drop! Need Help!

Mar 18, 2015, 2:22 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Club Water Physics Are Broken.

Mar 11, 2015, 12:14 pm Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: CRIPPLING GLITCH can corrupt your account

Mar 6, 2015, 2:20 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Fps is fine but game feels like in slow motion.

Mar 5, 2015, 2:20 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Help

Mar 3, 2015, 2:16 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: My Radiant Steed is not as advertised!

Mar 3, 2015, 2:16 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Someone please help. Screen Resolution.

Mar 3, 2015, 2:15 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Endless water noise, an annoying and very old bug.

Mar 3, 2015, 2:14 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Low FPS, Wasnt the case the day before

Feb 23, 2015, 4:05 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Sea level

Feb 21, 2015, 2:19 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: FPS lag

Feb 18, 2015, 2:20 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Catalog tool

Feb 18, 2015, 2:19 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: *Hits Play* *Error Report*

Feb 14, 2015, 2:31 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Is it a bug or is it stated in the patch notes?

Feb 13, 2015, 2:21 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Fps decreases over time

Feb 12, 2015, 2:26 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: There's definitely a rendering distance issue and it's making gliding very unp

Feb 12, 2015, 2:26 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: FPS Drop

Feb 11, 2015, 2:15 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: New Resource block visuals.

Feb 11, 2015, 2:13 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: My Fps Is 15 - 20

Feb 10, 2015, 2:26 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Suggestion about new render system.

Feb 8, 2015, 2:26 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: TRove error handler after clicking play

Feb 7, 2015, 2:23 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Fraps won't work?

Feb 6, 2015, 2:22 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Am I WiFlagged?

Feb 5, 2015, 2:19 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Lowest FPS I've ever seen...

Feb 3, 2015, 2:37 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Randomly Teleporting and Crashing

Jan 31, 2015, 2:13 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: FPS down

Jan 30, 2015, 12:20 pm Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: FPS increasing

Jan 26, 2015, 2:12 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

Doc_L: Accidentally set Resolution too high

Jan 26, 2015, 2:12 am Quote: Originally Posted by Doc_L <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="[..] View

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